The Year In Read, 2007

Last year, I was nearly sued over a flippant review. Considering my own literary ambitions and incredibly googable name, I’ll save my nasty comments for family functions. This year, I read, or tried to read, 45 books. I live pretty deep in Brooklyn and enjoy taking the subway. Also, I’m a loser. Full list after the jump. A Heart Breaking Work A Staggering Genius, Dave Eggers
The Long Tail, Chris Anderson
The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell
The Missing Peace,* Dennis Ross

After I came back from Israel and had my life changing experience or whatever, I decided to read up on the subject. A friend from the trip recommended this book, which seriously never ended. Every time you think there’s going to be peace, psyche, there’s not going to be. Even though the book is 800 pages, after I got through the first 100, I had emotionally committed. This book was so heavy I had to start carrying a bigger bag. With 150 pages to the end, I left it on the Chinatown bus to D.C. And now I’m never reading a book because of a life changing experience again.

Little Children, Tom Perrotta

I was so eager to finish this book that I read the last pages in the Starbucks in Union Square. His writing feels so effortless, but clearly isn’t.

I Wish I Could Be There, Allen Shawn
Fun Home, Allison Bechdel

Bechel got me going into graphic novels. I even wrote her an email to let her know how much I loved it. This summer, I went to hear her speak at Barnes & Noble, and recognized quite a few Barnard alums, one of whom is now a man!

The Bronx Is Burning, Jonathan Mahler
Maus, Art Spiegelman
Then We Came To The End, Joshua Ferris

Related: Are We at the End Yet?

Urban Tribes, Ethan Waters

An anthropology book about co-dependent urbanites. If you are single and live in a city, this is your life.

The Watchmen, DC Comics

After Maus and Fun Home, I thought I was into comics. I was wrong.

I Married A Communist, Philip Roth
The View From Castle Rock, Alice Munro
Moneyball, Michael Lewis

Yeah, I don’t like baseball. Michael Lewis is pretty good though.

Bad Haircuts, Tom Perrotta
Under The Banner of Heaven, Jon Krakauer
Scoop,* Evelyn Waugh
Delirious New York, Rem Koolhaas

Guess what? New York rules

Candide,** Voltaire
Random Family, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
This Is Not Chick Lit, Anthology

Related: No Boys Allowed

Dishwasher, Pete Jordan
The Shadow of The Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Down and Out in Paris and London,** George Orwell

Checking in on an old favorite. George Orwell still rules, but he’s a bit more anti-Semitic than I remembered.

The Line Of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst
Junky, William Burroughs
Honor Thy Father, Gay Talese
Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer
The Kingdom and the Power,* Gay Talese
On Love, Alain de Botton
Veronica, Mary Gaitskill
Heat, Bill Buford
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz

Stop reading this blog and start reading this book.
Related:‘Your Adoring Audience Is Clamoring For More Heavy-Handed Sarcastic Wit And Cynicism.’

Shortcomings, Adrian Tomine
Drown,** Junot Diaz
Into The Wild, Jon Krakauer
Garlic and Sapphire,* Ruth Reichl
Among Thugs, Bill Buford
Amazing Grace,* Jonathan Kozol
The New Kings of Non-Fiction, Ed. Ira Glass
The Bullfighter Checks Her Make Up, Susan Orlean

Anyone who cares about good writing should read Susan Orlean.
Related: A Reluctant Feminist

Learning To Drive, Katha Pollitt
Lenin’s Tomb, David Remnick

*Didn’t finish

Previously read: 2006