Raronauer Stalker: Here and Away

Even when I’m unexpected neighborhoods, in fact, especially when I’m in unexpected neighborhoods, I see people I know.

Last Friday it was Joel Bunski in Meatpacking.I met Joel through high school debate and his best friend dated one of my friends in college. Joel grew up in the town next to mine, and we have a long history of running into each other. In fact, we became friends when we ran into each other at the movies for a screening of The Object of My Affection. No judgment, it was the 90s.

Since then, I can’t take MetroNorth without seeing this guy. I once crashed a Clap Your Hands Say Yeah show at Sarah Lawrence and Joel was there. And while I don’t even have Joel’s number, I have no doubt I’ll see him again soon.

In local news, I ran into my roommate on Seventh Avenue last night and today, I saw Jonathan Safran Foer at the Brooklyn Library. My roommate bought me ice cream; JSF refused eye contact.