In Reassuring News

I have a word document entitled “maybe blog post” that’s just a collection of possible blog posts that never made it. In an attempt to get myself excited about writing, I’ll be publishing some of these posts, along with some new ones, in next month.

A new Hollister opened up in Soho, and like their parent company Abercrombie and Fitch, young men with great abs and no chest hair will open the door for you when you enter.

Let’s be honest, being good looking is an advantage in life and with such defined pecs, these doorman will never have trouble at a frat party. But contrary to my opinions as a 14 year-old, there’s more to life than abs. Besides, I wouldn’t want to be so good looking that my job would be to be objectified live.

Also the original title for Netherland was The Brooklyn Dream Game. Seriously, whoever was responsible for that change, good work.