Even as someone who enjoys throwing apples out of moving cars, eating meat, and other environmentally unfriendly pleasures, I hate bottled water.
It’s not just that New York has one of the best acqueduct systems in the world, it’s also that there’s really nothing worse for the environment than bottled water. Obtaining the water messes up irrigation systems, and transporting and chilling these bottles creates a huge carbon footprint. I suppose the only benefit is that once you finished your water, you can leave the earth a forever gift of a plastic bottle.
So whatever, water bottles are bad for the environment and the only real excuse for using one is laziness. Fine. But I noticed today that Poland Spring is going green and making bottles with “50% smaller bottle caps.” That’s a reduction of maybe 5% of the overall plastic used in a water bottle, which doesn’t really change a thing.
I get water bottles are convenient and people like spending money on things which are otherwise free. But can we not pretend that smaller bottle caps make up for all the damage of bottled water?